4 Reasons To Choose In-Office Teeth Whitening Services
Do you want to get stains removed from your teeth and make your pearlies look brighter and whiter? If the response is yes, then teeth whitening is the finest treatment to opt for to obtain the aspired results. With home teeth whitening kits also available as an option, it is natural for the patients to feel confused between using home teeth whitening kits or in-office teeth whitening treatments.
Dr Ted Im at Image Dentistry California, a renowned dentist in Moreno Valley, can help you decide between these two options. In our previous blog, we have explained 4 reasons to handpick professional teeth whitening in Moreno Valley. However, here are some of the best reasons why in-office teeth whitening treatment must be the preferred choice.
4 Perks of Opting for In-Office Teeth Whitening in Moreno Valley:
Certain reasons conveying why you should ditch home teeth whitening kits and instead go for in-office teeth whitening solutions provided by experienced dentists are:
Good For Your Gums:
The biggest reason why you should go for in-office teeth whitening in Moreno Valley option is that the products used by an expert dentist are customized and do not cause gum irritation. The home teeth whitening products may contain products and chemicals that may increase the chances of gum irritation. The dental offices customize teeth whitening solutions to suit specific needs which are comparatively safer.
Uniform Teeth Whitening:
When a patient undergoes teeth whitening treatment at a dental office in Moreno Valley, he receives uniform teeth whitening across all teeth. When using at-home kits to clean and whiten teeth, the chances are that a few teeth get left out and look ugly once the procedure is complete. At the dental office, the dentist ensures to tailor the teeth whitening tray to the mouth of the patient, thus ensuring all teeth receive the same level of bleaching.
Excellent Results:
The results of in-office teeth whitening are far better than the use of at-home teeth whitening kits. Firstly, the procedure is carried out by an expert professional cosmetic dentistry in Moreno Valley, reflecting the quality of services and the results achieved. While attempting to perform the same treatment at home, it might have to be replicated multiple times to obtain the desired outcomes.
Quick Results:
The results of the in-office teeth whitening procedure are immediate. In certain specific cases, the patient will require at least one sitting to achieve the needed outcome, but the same can take lesser time for others.
These benefits clearly show how undergoing teeth whitening procedures at the office is more beneficial than using at-home teeth whitening kits. It is recommended to look for the best 'dental clinic near me in Moreno Valley' on the internet to hand pick the best services nearby and get the desired treatment. Consider Dr. Ted Im at Image Dentistry if you are opting for in-office teeth whitening procedure. Browse through our website or dial us at 951-242-6242 to gather more information.